HomeKlamath Falls newsKlamath Falls and Klamath County to host public hearing on Urban Area...

Klamath Falls and Klamath County to host public hearing on Urban Area Transportation System Plan improvements

Klamath Falls, Oregon – The City of Klamath Falls and Klamath County are holding a public hearing to get community comments on forthcoming improvements to their Urban Area Transportation System Plan (TSP), in an effort to improve local transportation infrastructure. Klamath Falls residents are encouraged to take part in the discussions and offer their opinions on suggested transportation initiatives meant to help individuals of all ages and abilities.

Set for November 6th, the meeting will take place on the second level Klamath County Government Center, downtown at 305 Main Street in Hearing Room #219. Doors will open at 5:30 PM, giving plenty of time for guests to settle in and be ready for the conversations. The city and county officials are eager to make the process accessible and have also set up a virtual participation alternative for those unable to make in-person attendance possible. Details on how to join virtually can be found on the project’s website at www.klamathfallstsp.com.

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Community feedback is vital to ensure that local transportation system meets the diverse needs of local residents. Hearing from the community about how they see travel in Klamath Falls going forward inspires local leaders. This is more than just a planning update; it’s about making the local transportation system more friendly and effective.

Klamath Falls and Klamath County are holding a public hearing to get community comments on forthcoming improvements to their transportation infrastructure
Credit: Unsplash

Along with conventional vehicle traffic, the TSP update emphasizes establishing a more integrated transportation system supporting walking, biking, and public transit. Accessible on the project website, the draft list of projects seeks to solve current transportation issues and get ready for future needs as the city expands.

Those who want to take part are advised to check the suggested projects before the conference and arrive ready with questions or comments.

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Setting a community-oriented roadmap for future growth, this public meeting marks a proactive step by Klamath Falls and Klamath County to involve individuals in the key dialogues on their daily commutes and general transportation safety and convenience.

Mark Willrett, City Public Works Director; (541) 883-5363; [email protected] or Jeremy Morris, County Public Works Director; (541) 883-4696; [email protected]


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