HomeOregon NewsOregon SNAP benefits users can ask for help if they had to...

Oregon SNAP benefits users can ask for help if they had to throw food in recent ice storm

Oregon – People in Oregon who use food aid and lost food due to power cuts from the recent ice storm can ask for new SNAP benefits. They must report this within 10 days of throwing out the food.

Get in with the Oregon Department of Human Services for new SNAP benefits

Jacki Ward Kehrwald from Hunger Free Oregon says you can get these benefits by reaching out to the Oregon Department of Human Services. You need to list the food you lost and its cost. After approval, you’ll get the money back on your EBT card to buy new food at the store.

People in Oregon who use SNAP benefits and lost food due to power cuts from the recent ice storm can ask for new SNAP benefits.

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Kerwald explained that those affected by the storm can report their food loss in several ways. They can either call (800) 699-9075, look for information on the ODHS website, or email [email protected].

She mentioned that the storm has significantly increased food insecurity throughout Oregon, cutting off many areas from their usual food supplies and support networks.

Kerwald pointed out the added difficulty for families

“You have kids who are at home so they’re not accessing meals at school,” she said. “On top of that, to throw away food because of a power outage or a burst pipe can be really devastating. It’s important that people know that they don’t have to go through that alone, this system is available and we really hope people reach out to get those replacements.”

The CDC advises that perishable food in the fridge should be discarded if the power is out for more than four hours. Food in a fully stocked freezer can stay good for 48 hours, provided the freezer remains closed, while a half-full freezer keeps food safe for 24 hours without power.

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Regarding canned goods, commercially-canned items that have been exposed to flood water or water from a burst pipe can be cleaned and used. However, home-canned items cannot be disinfected in this way and should be thrown out. Foods packaged in cardboard or other materials that aren’t waterproof should also be discarded.



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